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Implementing LemonSqueezy Payments for Crontap (for real) 💰


previously, I have failed

I'm back at the @lmsqueezy 1-day 😂 integration. In my sleep, I saw that will become an international conglomerate with 10s of services in one subscription to rule them all 💍.

Sharing progress as I go

Since apihustle will become wildly successful, I should store the payment data in a separate database so I can share subscriptions between services.

So creating an new db in @supabase to handle that.

Here's how the infra looks

Crontap Internal API ↔️ Crontap Scheduler
Vercel Serverless ↔️ Auth ↔️ Crontap UI

Top part will be unchanged. Bottom part will change to have a webhook callback serverless function that stores data to supabase.

LemonSqueezy Subscription Change ➡️ Vercel Webhook Callback ➡️ Supabase

handle a request:

Crontap UI ➡️ Auth ➡️ Vercel Serverless ➡️ Check sub in Supabase

➡️ Crontap API or
❌ Deny request


Integration with @supabase done. Now webhooks are all properly handled.

Just need to make a nice reusable check for subscribers.


select * from subscriptions
where user_id=uid
and status=active
and product_id=id
and variants_id in (x,y, z, ...)

Should be good?


It works quite quick. Having fun with it :D
God @Cloudflare tunnels are such a marvel.

lemonsqueezy implementation for crontap

Query above seemed to work fine. Made a handy helper to check for subscriptions in any API call.

Gonna update the pricing page, test in prod & release tomorrow.

see a demo here

lemonsqueezy implementation for crontap

Now, let's talk about why did I fail in the first place

What did I want to do?

I wanted to rely on the LemonSqueezy API & do minimum effort to model & store data in my db.

I'd just store the order but wanted to rely on the LS API to get sub statuses & do checks for active subs directly instead of storing this in my own db.

On the flip side once I get the patterns in place it’ll be fairly easy to reproduce in other products UNLESS said products use a different kind of storage.

Still think some sort of “edge” payment integration could make sense. I know we’re relatively spoiled complexity-wise these days even though I’m b*thing about it but hear me out:

  • You got your SDK: npm i for framework of choice
  • You pass in a user ID & open a payment modal. Purchase complete.
  • You got your backend SDK. Give it an api key and it can guard cloud functions like auth providers do (see auth0 etc)
  • you have a backend SDK e.g. a withLemons wrapper that reads the user ID via a header. You get active subscriptions.
export withLemons((req, res) => {
    const { subscriptions } = useLemons()

No subscription you get a 404 or whatever and the UI can handle that as it sees fit.

  • no dealing with LS customer ids
  • easy to switch env & test
  • no webhooks needed ->
  • no storage of payment data in consumer db needed

Sure that means all is delegated to LS and you have complete trust that they’ll have a good uptime and keep your data safe. You probably want to move away from that once you get bigger and ultimately switch to webhook + own DB, but I feel like now this is the only option you have if you don’t wanna resort to hacks.

@dr @gilbitron @jrfarr

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